NCWNP District Youth Board

Hello NCWNP Youth!  We are the NCWNP District Youth Board of the Japanese American Citizens League. The best way to stay up to date with what we are up to is to give us a follow on our Instagram!  If you are interested in being on the District Youth Board, please Send Us an Email. Mission Statement: The NCWNP District Youth Board is a regional leadership organization under the Japanese American Citizens League whose mission is to foster a welcoming community of young activists through advocacy, volunteering, and networking. Vision Statement: The NCWNP District Youth Board strives to build an engaged young adult community that protects civil rights, inspires lasting change, and preserves the history of Japanese Americans for future generations.
Name Position Chapter
KC Mukai NY/SC Representative, Chair Berkeley
Bruce Arao Vice-Chair Watsonville-Santa Cruz
Halle Sousa Secretary San Jose
Cecelia Shimizu At-Large Member — Events Sonoma County
Jackson Sousa At-Large Member — Finance San Jose
Emily Yoshii At-Large Member – Education and Advocacy San Francisco

NCWNP District Executive Board

Governor: Carol Kawase
Vice-Governor: Miko Sawamura
Treasurer: Alan Teruya
Ex-Officio: Mark Kobayashi
Board Members: Steve Okamoto, Sharon Uyeda
Pacific Citizen Representative: Nancy Ukai
Youth Representative:
KC Mukai – Chair
Bruce Arao – Vice – Chair
Regional Director: Patty Wada